Entandem Productions

Entandem Productions
Original, astonishingly good, socially conscious

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Entandem on Dorktown Podcast

Every so often, when you're interviewing people, the tables get turned on you. While we were interviewing Mike Seay, the mastermind behind the Fresno-based blog empire Dorktown, for our upcoming Fresno documentary, Mike suddenly whipped out his voice recorder and asked if he could interview Jaguar for the Dorktown Podcast.

You can check out the result here: http://www.mikeseay.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Mike Seay said...

Glad you noticed I got the interview in there. I keep forgeting to tell you guys about it.

Looking forword to the film and I hope I get cut out of it. :)