Entandem Productions

Entandem Productions
Original, astonishingly good, socially conscious

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I haven’t updated you in ages! Forgive me? Good… Let’s begin. (Get ready - it's long!)

Check out new pictures from the Forum on the myspace page taken by our wonderful photographer, Ron Blackwell (S.B.G. on the friends list)!

Also, if you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me here or at (559) 307.8299, as so many already have! Thank you for the support.

Let’s talk about the Forum first, then the Entandem agenda.

Fresno Filmmakers Forum

The Fresno Filmmakers Forum was a great success. We had nearly 100people attend the two-leveled Soho and Star Palace at the Warnors Performing Arts Center in downtown Fresno. Through the fabulously tall arched windows at the Star Palace, we were witness to the unusually dramatic skyline of gray thickets above the high rises – no need for mood lighting here.

The idea evolved from my belief in networking as a tool for a creating a better product – whatever it may be. I kept meeting other filmmakers who asked if I know so-and-so but I knew another group that this person didn’t know, and together we discovered that there was a great number of us out there searching one another and relieved that we were not the only ones struggling. So, from this, with a wonderful group of organizers – Christine Autrand Mitchell (me), Jaguar Bennett, Ray Arthur (Fresno City Film and Entertainment Commissioner) and Suzanne Bertz-Rosa (Chair of Creative Fresno) – we created a place for people like us to meet… and then it grew.

[Networking defined by me: not the pretentious hell of dress-up and eat tiny finger foods while carrying our wine glasses around and acting hoity-toity as we casually trade business cards and pitch our company waiting for the raffle of the surprise gift before we head home in a grumbling mood because we “had” to go to this thing.]

We could not have succeeded in this event if it weren’t for the incredible Sponsors (see the website for the extensive list) and our awesome volunteers, and those who contributed time and equipment, some of whom are listed here: Teresa Flores, Cindy Wathen, Amber Strid, Amber Valett, Ron Blackwell, Shana Kaspian, Kellie Benton, Tara Beal, Julie Griffiths, Vince Warner for supplying the sound.

So, they attendants spanned from “just curious” to amateurs to professionals (i.e. making a living at their craft). Everyone was excited to have an event at which they could meet with other people interest in film and video production. The overall response was “great” and “let’s do it again”. Our first quarterly meeting will be held in January!

See the final breakdown of the four topics to address on the forum website at

The morning session opened with introductions (and plugs!). Then the Ashley Swearengin began the process of creating an industry cluster – she was fantastic. Ideas flowed quicker than coffee at Starbucks and lists were created, then breakout groups formed based on these topics to return with their wonderful list of actions. It was intense! One group could not decide because of a heated discussion.

On this topic, if you’re interested in film or video production and making it a stronger industry here in the Valley, then please contact me and let’s work on strengthening our weaknesses, adding to resources, and building a true working industry here! We’re well on our way with the amount of production I hear about in the Valley now!

The first workshop was John Kelly’s “Beyond 3 Point Lighting”. This session was so packed, we were standing all around. This session was great not only because it was taught by a genius of lighting, but because he was personable, he SHOWED us HOW to do it – performing the tasks right in front of us, as if we we’d snuck in to an actual set. THEN, he added inside stories of different productions he’d been on, he gave away valuable hints he’s collected over the years, stories of being on set, named the equipment (don’t ever go on set and say “Where’s the extension cord?” – you’d know what to call it if you’d been there), told us WHY and HOW to use it, how to fake fire, and the list just goes on. It was an amazing experience – even for the pro’s!

A lunch break followed. The theme was openness where we had the chance to network – everyone was amenable to talking and exchanging contact information. It’s amazing how many local productions are rolling or are about to begin!

Jeff Hall’s technical workshop on sound was brought to us in full Dolby® surround sound. It was impressive. He showed us what a difference a good soundtrack makes by revealing the layers – breaking them down. He added his personal experiences on those jobs as well. It was a great workshop for those techie-sound aficionados.

After a break with lots of candy and fun snacks, the Star Palace had been reconfigured for a Creative Panel with professionals: Jon Carroll, Cherie Franklin, Jeff Hall, John Kelly, Jerry Lee, Robert Thissen and Kerry Yo Nakagawa. The questions were incredibly varied but answered wonderfully by our fantastic panel – I can’t possibly begin to cover the range here or the emotion into some these questions and answers. I thank you all again for your participation in this event!

The day was capped off with the showing of the motion picture “American Pastime”, produced by our local Kerry Yo Nakagawa, who shared with us his passion about the film and its topics.

I would like the extend an extra thanks to Kerry for helping us on the road to making this Forum a possibility – he truly extended himself for us and I am particularly grateful.

Thanks to all who attended! We’ll see you in January if not before.

Entandem Productions

DOCUMENTARY: We are in post-production for our full length feature documentary on Fresno! As we peruse the interviews I’m still gobsmacked at the wonderful footage we have caught by such amazing people – right here in FRESNO! (Any Prius would be proud to live here!)

We’re planning to premiere the film in late Spring/Early Summer at the Tower Theatre. Keep checking in with us and we’ll have an email sign-up soon for updates.

We’re still looking for local music to be contributed to the soundtrack! Contact me if you’re interested!

LILY ON SATURDAY: We’re already in the extensive period of pre-production for our first feature-length film. We have a wonderful cast in place and a core crew enlisted. We’re chasing the rest of our funding and have a wonderful partner for the film – to be announced soon!

THAT’S ALL for now. Thanks for reading to the end! Leave me your comments, please.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bedaurinde mi ne regas la anglanlingvon, sed char vi komprenas Esperanton mi sendas al vi plej amikajn E-salutojn el Kroatio!